Date: 25.06. – 22.07.2023
Location: near Katrineholm, Sweden
Guide team: Johan, Alex, Anja/ Stone Mountain and Rose
This Wild Moon will be hosted by Verein Wilde Wurzeln.
To first explore the topic of Immersing yourself in Nature, to get to know the guide team, and to ask questions, you can also sign up for a free exploration call that will happen on Thursday, April 20th at 19:00 CEST.
The Wild Moon is a very unique wilderness living experience and an special opportunity to dive deep into our connection with nature and our own sense of being human. For a whole moon cycle (28 days) we leave behind our civilized life and step into simplicity and clan-living, immersed into the natural rhythms of life.
Living in nature within a clan creates an essential necessity for us to learn about hands-on skills like shelter building, fire making, foraging & gathering, animal processing, basketry or hide tanning, as well as many social skills like deep nature connection, circle consciousness, co-parenting and truthspeaking.
At the end of each day journeying together – exploring ourselves in different activities, learning new things, taking time to deepen relationships, going through different processes, playing with the kids, experiencing fulfillment by living based on our primal physical and social needs – we all come together as a circle around the hearth. We’ll connect to each other, eat together, share and listen to our individual inner and outer adventures of the day.
Part of this upcoming wildmoon – aside from the usual focus mentioned before – will be setting up camp and building new shelters on a big island close to Hävla, Sweden. So there will be a possibility to go more into primitive shelter building, as well as fishing, canoeing and overall exploring of the area by land and water. We also offer, that you can get your own red deer or fallow deer hide to tan during the immersion.
Special guests: It is an honor for us to announce, that we will have two very seasoned hide tanning professionals from ULU of Norway in our clan: Sofie and Roni. They can help you with any special questions that you might have and give insider tipps and tricks.
If you feel called to go on this journey with us, we invite you with all your individual gifts and your unique being to contribute to our adventure. Please see the Info Package to apply.
Participation fee for the experience
The fee for the Wild Moon is composed of different parts: One part are expenses for the Wild Moon itself (such as organic food incl. wild meat, canoe rental, storage room rental, fishing licenses, material for hide tanning and infrastructure, fuel for the car to get food…). The other part covers the money, time and effort we put into the preparation, the formal organization of our association, insurance and more, summarized: The required background work for making Wild Moons possible.We offer staggered tuition fees according to your income, please be honest with yourself about how much you can afford:
Low income: 1800 – 2200€
Average income: 2200 – 2600€
High income: 2600 – 3000€
Nursed children: free
Children until 12. birthday: 250€
Teens until 16. birthday: 600€
Teens until 18. birthday: 900€